X DOT 25 Proudly Presents:

X DOT 25 World Music Concert Series # IV


VAS at Palace of Fine Arts - San Francisco




Greg Ellis & Azam Ali



O my soul, there is a link between your heart and mine.
And my heart is looking for that path.
My heart is clear and pure like water
And pure water is a perfect mirror for moonlight.
- Molana Jalalu'din (Balkhi) Rumi


VAS in Concert
Azam Ali - Voice, Hammered Dulcimer
Greg Ellis - Percussion
Cameron Stone - Cello

Presenting the Music from their new album



With Special Guests:

Ustad Habib Khan - Sitar
Ustad Mohammad Assef Mahmood - Tabla
Ben Mawhorter - Tabla



Celebrating Release of "Evening Light Album" Featuring 

Ustad Habib Khan on Sitar & Pandit Swapan Chaudhuri on Tabla 



on X DOT 25 Music

Special Appearance by:

Koorosh Angali
Reciting Rumi's Poetry




1. Veiled
2. Evening Light
3. The Bond
4. Sunyata & Offerings
5. Veiled

$18 advance - $20 at the door
for more information call (510) 601 8600

Friday, April 16, 1999 - 8:30 PM
Palace of Fine Arts
San Francisco - California


Narada Records

Faz Resturants

Haight Ashbury Music Center